I took my very first pet first aid and CPR class back in 2013 prior to moving to the Mid-west with our senior cat, Star. Upon completing the class, I was certified for a year. Fortunately, I never needed to use it, however, having that knowledge in my back pocket was priceless. Below is the first aid kit I bought to take on the airplane with Star and when we were renting in Chicago before our house was ready to move into. It was added security.
Again in 2019, I enrolled in a different course for Paulie since I knew training would be different for a dog. Our local shelter posted information on the course and again, I would be certified. This was an intense course and information overload, however, the knowledge was priceless. I learned how to handle seizures for which Paulie experienced. Some of the first aid techniques came in handy when Paulie was losing his vision and would walk into objects and bang his head and nose.
On the "Helpful Links" tab, I added the websites for pet and first aid classes. From what I can see, these are online courses. I suggest you contact your local shelter/rescue to see if there are in person classes available in your area. Every pet parent should take these courses.