A few days after Paulie passed, I started hearing sounds throughout the house. I remember when Killer, our cat, passed, the same thing happened. Those sounds didn't start until much later. My husband would have deemed me crazy so I didn't say anything to him at first. I shook it off and went about my business. In the middle of the night, I heard something. It was a low toned snore, not a human snore. Paulie's bed was in our bedroom by our tall dresser on my side of the bed. When Paulie was really tired, he would bark in his sleep and feet would be flying. Then the snoring erupted. My husband was out of town so I knew it wasn't him. Not knowing what to do, I sat quietly upright in bed and waiting for it to happen again. Maybe Paulie knew I was waiting as it was so eerily quiet. I was starting to get upset because my husband wasn't there and I didn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden, it felt like the bed frame was being bumped against gently by something or someone.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep that night. The next morning, the sounds were starting up again. Footsteps on the wood floors, bells ringing, toys squeaking. While talking with my husband on the phone, I spilled the beans and told him what was going on. Yes, he told me I was hearing things because I want to hear those things. Losing Paulie was very difficult to handle and what I'm going through is normal. He and I were very close as the same with Killer and Star, our Siamese. I was more involved with their care because I was always home. Personally, I think it's more than that as to why I'm the only one who hears these sounds and I find it comforting. When I hear these little special noises, I talk to Paulie, however, I find by talking to his picture, gives me the greatest comfort because he's looking right at me. Being proud of his very first little pumpkin.